Social Order
Thou shalt comfort thy neighbour when he mourns, and nurture him when he sickens:
thou shalt not abate the price of what thou buyest of him, for his necessity;
nor shalt thou exact of him, because he leaneth upon thee.
1. THOU shalt not abide in the conversations of the ungodly; the corrupt desires of deceitful lusts; as an old man unchanged; but shalt be renewed in the spirit of thy mind; that thou be a new man; growing into the likeness of God’s perfections; born anew in righteousness and true holiness.
5l words,
230 letters.
2. Put away lying: speak every man the truth to his neighbour; let no corrupt communication proceed out of thy mouth; but that which is good to edifying, and increasing faith; that it may minister grace to the hearers: grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, by which thou art sealed unto the day of redemption.
55 words,
241 letters.
3. Put away anger, wrath, bitterness, and malice; and be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God forgiveth you; followers of God as dear children, walking together in love.
34 words,
161 letters.
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4. The first power over every child is the mother: the highest power in any household is the father of the family, the head of the house: to him let all give heed; but the Law is over all.
38 words,
143 letters.
5. If the father die, his firstborn son is head in his stead: nevertheless in the dwelling, he shall not rule over his mother, nor the mother of his brother; he shall honour them all the days of his life.
39 words,
157 letters.
6. Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother all thy days: thou shalt not depart from them, nor rebel against them; but shalt abide with them, except they send thee away with a blessing; that thou mayest build them up, or, be established by thine own name.
47 words,
201 letters.
7. But thou shalt seek to establish thy sons: thou shalt build them up with thee, or part them a portion of thine inheritance, as shall be meet, that they may grow up, and in their honour bring honour to thee.
40 words,
161 letters.
8. And if thou have widows, or children, or servants, or any members of thy household, thou shalt provide for them according to their station, and thy possessions. If thou do it not, the King shall appoint them their
[Page 307]
meat and their portion, as shall be just.
46 words,
201 letters.
9. But the inheritance shall remain one; over it the firstborn shall have the highest dignity; and his portion shall be double: if any man having a portion, divideth it among his posterity, he need not to respect the firstborn: he shall do as seemeth him good.
46 words,
205 letters.
10. If thy firstborn is not worthy to keep up the dignity of thy house, and thou wilt abase him, and exalt another in his stead, thou shalt bring him before the Judges at the judgmentseat of the city, and show what evil he hath done: and if thou clearly show that he is unworthy, and that the other is worthy, the Judges shall declare it: thou shalt abase him, and adopt the other: but if thou hast neglected to instruct him, and to restrain him, the Judges shall declare it: thou shalt not abase him; the sin be upon thy head.
101 words,
408 letters.
11. Thou shalt not sell thy daughter: thou shalt in no case take a price for her in marriage: but thou shalt endow her of raiment, and goods, and flocks, according to thine ability; and thou shalt give her in marriage only to whom she loveth, and who is worthy:
[Page 308]
thou shalt not give her to a stranger, nor to a despiser of this Law, nor to a blasphemer.
68 words,
270 letters.
12. Every man may give a portion to his children, a dowery to his wives, and a possession to his servants, while he liveth; and except it is manifestly unjust, the Judge shall not change it after his death; as he determines it by his last blessing, so shall it be: if it be made sure before, it shall not be changed.
61 words,
242 letters.
13. The Princes, and the Nobles who have a great possession for an inheritance, according to their dignity, shall reserve a portion according to his dignity to the firstborn: to their other sons shall they give portions as common men; but they shall seek rather to make Nobles of them all.
50 words,
230 letters.
14. If a Nobleman or a Prince have servants, and they eat not their bread at his table, he shall appoint them their portions, in his inheritance, that they hunger not: upon his inheritance he shall be as a King to them; but he shall not exact more than a tenth of them, besides the tithing of all.
57 words,
229 letters.
15. This is the law of the servant taken captive in war, and of the servant bought with money, and of the servant born in thy
[Page 309]
house, and of him who cleaveth unto thee that thou mayest be a Prince and a Saviour unto him: he shall be unto thee next to thy child: and thou shalt seek to establish him; for his greatness is thy glory.
66 words,
254 letters.
16. But if they be content to abide in his household, it is better: he shall appoint them their food, their raiment, and their habitation, in due season; and they shall labour in his shop, and his field, and with his flock; they shall share in all his toils, and in all his possessions, and he shall be a ruler over them: if they serve him, he shall not cast them off forever; but if he oppress them, and they flee from him, ye shall not return them to him, lest his hand be hard upon them.
96 words,
373 letters.
This Law does not justify slavery. The servitude is voluntary. Every servant can depart from oppression, at his will.
17. And if the brethren or the neighbours of a Prince or a Nobleman join themselves unto him, he shall appoint unto them duty and reward, according to their rank, and ability, and faithfulness: in his household they shall be as sons; and with him, and with his heir, shall possess his inheritance, that they together, being strong, may wax exceedingly great.
61 words,
282 letters.
Total—17 sec., 956 words, 3,988 letters.
thou shalt not abate the price of what thou buyest of him, for his necessity;
nor shalt thou exact of him, because he leaneth upon thee.
1. THOU shalt not abide in the conversations of the ungodly; the corrupt desires of deceitful lusts; as an old man unchanged; but shalt be renewed in the spirit of thy mind; that thou be a new man; growing into the likeness of God’s perfections; born anew in righteousness and true holiness.
5l words,
230 letters.
2. Put away lying: speak every man the truth to his neighbour; let no corrupt communication proceed out of thy mouth; but that which is good to edifying, and increasing faith; that it may minister grace to the hearers: grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, by which thou art sealed unto the day of redemption.
55 words,
241 letters.
3. Put away anger, wrath, bitterness, and malice; and be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God forgiveth you; followers of God as dear children, walking together in love.
34 words,
161 letters.
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4. The first power over every child is the mother: the highest power in any household is the father of the family, the head of the house: to him let all give heed; but the Law is over all.
38 words,
143 letters.
5. If the father die, his firstborn son is head in his stead: nevertheless in the dwelling, he shall not rule over his mother, nor the mother of his brother; he shall honour them all the days of his life.
39 words,
157 letters.
6. Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother all thy days: thou shalt not depart from them, nor rebel against them; but shalt abide with them, except they send thee away with a blessing; that thou mayest build them up, or, be established by thine own name.
47 words,
201 letters.
7. But thou shalt seek to establish thy sons: thou shalt build them up with thee, or part them a portion of thine inheritance, as shall be meet, that they may grow up, and in their honour bring honour to thee.
40 words,
161 letters.
8. And if thou have widows, or children, or servants, or any members of thy household, thou shalt provide for them according to their station, and thy possessions. If thou do it not, the King shall appoint them their
[Page 307]
meat and their portion, as shall be just.
46 words,
201 letters.
9. But the inheritance shall remain one; over it the firstborn shall have the highest dignity; and his portion shall be double: if any man having a portion, divideth it among his posterity, he need not to respect the firstborn: he shall do as seemeth him good.
46 words,
205 letters.
10. If thy firstborn is not worthy to keep up the dignity of thy house, and thou wilt abase him, and exalt another in his stead, thou shalt bring him before the Judges at the judgmentseat of the city, and show what evil he hath done: and if thou clearly show that he is unworthy, and that the other is worthy, the Judges shall declare it: thou shalt abase him, and adopt the other: but if thou hast neglected to instruct him, and to restrain him, the Judges shall declare it: thou shalt not abase him; the sin be upon thy head.
101 words,
408 letters.
11. Thou shalt not sell thy daughter: thou shalt in no case take a price for her in marriage: but thou shalt endow her of raiment, and goods, and flocks, according to thine ability; and thou shalt give her in marriage only to whom she loveth, and who is worthy:
[Page 308]
thou shalt not give her to a stranger, nor to a despiser of this Law, nor to a blasphemer.
68 words,
270 letters.
12. Every man may give a portion to his children, a dowery to his wives, and a possession to his servants, while he liveth; and except it is manifestly unjust, the Judge shall not change it after his death; as he determines it by his last blessing, so shall it be: if it be made sure before, it shall not be changed.
61 words,
242 letters.
13. The Princes, and the Nobles who have a great possession for an inheritance, according to their dignity, shall reserve a portion according to his dignity to the firstborn: to their other sons shall they give portions as common men; but they shall seek rather to make Nobles of them all.
50 words,
230 letters.
14. If a Nobleman or a Prince have servants, and they eat not their bread at his table, he shall appoint them their portions, in his inheritance, that they hunger not: upon his inheritance he shall be as a King to them; but he shall not exact more than a tenth of them, besides the tithing of all.
57 words,
229 letters.
15. This is the law of the servant taken captive in war, and of the servant bought with money, and of the servant born in thy
[Page 309]
house, and of him who cleaveth unto thee that thou mayest be a Prince and a Saviour unto him: he shall be unto thee next to thy child: and thou shalt seek to establish him; for his greatness is thy glory.
66 words,
254 letters.
16. But if they be content to abide in his household, it is better: he shall appoint them their food, their raiment, and their habitation, in due season; and they shall labour in his shop, and his field, and with his flock; they shall share in all his toils, and in all his possessions, and he shall be a ruler over them: if they serve him, he shall not cast them off forever; but if he oppress them, and they flee from him, ye shall not return them to him, lest his hand be hard upon them.
96 words,
373 letters.
This Law does not justify slavery. The servitude is voluntary. Every servant can depart from oppression, at his will.
17. And if the brethren or the neighbours of a Prince or a Nobleman join themselves unto him, he shall appoint unto them duty and reward, according to their rank, and ability, and faithfulness: in his household they shall be as sons; and with him, and with his heir, shall possess his inheritance, that they together, being strong, may wax exceedingly great.
61 words,
282 letters.
Total—17 sec., 956 words, 3,988 letters.