King's Court
God alone hath the right to rule; and in his name,
only he to whom he granteth it.
1. THE King shall appoint wise men, learned in the Law of God, lovers of righteousness, not fearing the rich, nor despising the poor, to be Judges; who shall sit before him continually, to judge all great causes.1 They shall sit upon the King’s judgmentseat, at his gate: the ear of the Judges shall never be closed, that they cannot hear. This is the King’s Court.
65 words,
282 letters.
2. The King shall appoint twelve Judges to this Court, if so many are needed; all of them High Priests unto the Most High God; for the judging of all great matters;2 but all the smaller matters may be judged by other Judges, as the King shall appoint, that these may judge the larger causes continually, and that they judge upon the judgment of other Judges.
65 words,
282 letters.
3. And the King shall order and determine what causes shall come before the King’s Court, upon his judgmentseat to be judged,
[1 Ex. xviii, 21, 22. [2 D. & C. v. ciii, 41.
[Page 186]
and what causes shall be judged before the other judgmentseats.
31 words,
152 letters.
4. And the Judges shall hear and judge, and determine speedily: they shall not delay: and they shall judge righteous judgment, and shall not take reward, and do injustice.
28 words,
135 letters.
5. And if they judge unrighteously, or refuse judgment to the just, or despise the Law, or take reward for judgment, the King shall remove them. When they have served faithfully, he shall relieve them in their age and infirmity.
39 words,
180 letters.
6. The Deacons shall bring the disobedient, the stiffnecked, the peacebreakers, and all who have done great wickedness, before the Judges, and shall execute their judgment on all who withstand it, and obey not.
33 words,
168 letters.
7. The Deacons shall execute all the orders of the Court, and shall be a fear unto the disorderly, and all revilers. They shall do whatsoever the Judges command.
28 words,
127 letters.
8. The Chief Deacon shall be the Steward of the King’s substance, which he committeth to the Judges, and shall render a just account of his stewardship to the King.
29 words,
129 letters.
Total—8 sec., 318 words, 1,455 letters.
only he to whom he granteth it.
1. THE King shall appoint wise men, learned in the Law of God, lovers of righteousness, not fearing the rich, nor despising the poor, to be Judges; who shall sit before him continually, to judge all great causes.1 They shall sit upon the King’s judgmentseat, at his gate: the ear of the Judges shall never be closed, that they cannot hear. This is the King’s Court.
65 words,
282 letters.
2. The King shall appoint twelve Judges to this Court, if so many are needed; all of them High Priests unto the Most High God; for the judging of all great matters;2 but all the smaller matters may be judged by other Judges, as the King shall appoint, that these may judge the larger causes continually, and that they judge upon the judgment of other Judges.
65 words,
282 letters.
3. And the King shall order and determine what causes shall come before the King’s Court, upon his judgmentseat to be judged,
[1 Ex. xviii, 21, 22. [2 D. & C. v. ciii, 41.
[Page 186]
and what causes shall be judged before the other judgmentseats.
31 words,
152 letters.
4. And the Judges shall hear and judge, and determine speedily: they shall not delay: and they shall judge righteous judgment, and shall not take reward, and do injustice.
28 words,
135 letters.
5. And if they judge unrighteously, or refuse judgment to the just, or despise the Law, or take reward for judgment, the King shall remove them. When they have served faithfully, he shall relieve them in their age and infirmity.
39 words,
180 letters.
6. The Deacons shall bring the disobedient, the stiffnecked, the peacebreakers, and all who have done great wickedness, before the Judges, and shall execute their judgment on all who withstand it, and obey not.
33 words,
168 letters.
7. The Deacons shall execute all the orders of the Court, and shall be a fear unto the disorderly, and all revilers. They shall do whatsoever the Judges command.
28 words,
127 letters.
8. The Chief Deacon shall be the Steward of the King’s substance, which he committeth to the Judges, and shall render a just account of his stewardship to the King.
29 words,
129 letters.
Total—8 sec., 318 words, 1,455 letters.