The Lord will not hold him guiltless who taketh his name in vain.
1. IN every city shall ye ordain Deacons; lovers of the Law; men of stout heart, strong arm, and swift foot: men who neither despise the poor, nor fear the rich; kind, persevering, and just; seeking unto the Kingdom of God and its righteousness.1 43 words,
189 letters.
2. The Deacons shall be Ministers unto the King, the Judges, and the Elders, to execute their Commandments, both in judgment and mercy: they shall be merciful and just.
28 words,
132 letters.
3. The Deacons shall be Stewards and keepers of the King’s prisons: and Stewards of the King’s Courts.
17 words,
79 letters.
4. In the cities, and towns, and prisons, shall Chiefs be appointed over them: but one of the King’s Counsellors shall be their Grand Master.
24 words,
109 letters.
Total—4 sec., 112 words, 509 letters.
There is a quorum of Deacons to every city, including the towns and villages near by. But wherever there is a prison, a Court, or any institution requiring several Deacons, one may be their Chief, and others officers, as good order requires.
[1 Acts vi, 2, 5. Phil. i, 1. 1st Tim. iii, 8-13.