Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy might, and with all thy strength.
1. EXCEPT a man be born of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.1
16 words,
59 letters.
1. The birth of the spirit is fully illustrated by Jesus, in his discourse with Nicodemus. Assuming that a ruler of the Jews could not be ignorant what a birth of water was, he seizes upon a familiar illustration of the other, to which the dry hot climate of that country gave peculiar force.
2. The severity of climate in that country is not in its wintry frosts, but its summer heats; so that the coming of the blessed is compared to the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. (Isa. xxxii, 2.)
3. Passing over the parched plains, under a cloudless sky, with the sun’s rays pouring down like the blast of a furnace, when the traveller is ready to perish, suddenly he hears a sound of wind. Immediately it sweeps past. The cooling breeze comes upon him. His lungs are inflated, and his strength renewed. He feels himself another man. So is every one that is born of the spirit. (John iii, 8.)
4. A more splendid exhibition of this power occurred at Jerusalem, at the first Pentecost after the ascension, when the outpouring of the spirit was so abundant that those present spoke in tongues, and every one understood in his own language. (Acts ii, 1-11.)
[1 John iii, 5.
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2. Whosoever shall be baptized for the remission of sins, upon him shall the Apostles, High Priests, or Elders, lay their hands, and confirm him in the Kingdom, and give unto him, by their hands, a gift of the Holy Spirit, according as the spirit will.1
45 words,
195 letters.
It cannot be expected that every one who receives the laying on of hands, will receive with it a powerful and overwhelming inspiration. But he will receive a spirit of truth sufficient, if cherished, to guide him into all truth, and make him wise in the things of God’s Kingdom. Such should avoid looking for marvels, and be content with substantial wisdom and enduring knowledge.
3. And the spirit thus given shall inspire him with faith, intelligence, and understanding; and if he cherish it, then shall it guide and establish him in all righteousness.2
28 words,
138 letters.
1. It is a mistake to suppose any one will possess all the spiritual gifts, who has the laying on of hands, or that he will have any particular one he may choose. The spirit divideth gifts severally, as he will. (1st Cor. xii, 11.)
2. Paul enumerates the gifts of the spirit, as wisdom, knowledge, faith, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and the interpretation. (1st Cor. xii, 8-10.) Of these every servant of God, obedient in faith, repentance, and baptism, will, by the laying on of hands, receive his portion, sufficient to guide him to life, if he will follow its inspiration.
4. For when they lay their hands upon
[1 Acts viii, 17. xix, 6. 1st Cor. xii, 7-11. [2 John xvi, 13.
[Page 144]
him, the spirit, like an invigorating breeze, shall come upon him and cover him; and it shall inspire him with a new power, according to the gifts of the spirit; and as it passeth off and leaveth him, his gift shall continue, and he shall walk in newness of life.1
57 words,
233 letters.
Total—4 sec., 146 words, 625 letters.
1. When Jesus sent his Apostles to preach to the nations of the earth, he commanded them, “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature: he that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; (with impunity;) and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Matt, xvi, 15-18.)
2. This promise, as broad as the earth, and as long as time, just as much assures signs as salvation. The believers of the gospel which the Apostles were sent to preach, are as certain that signs will follow them, as that they will be saved.
3. It makes a simple issue of veracity between the Lord Jesus Christ, and all those sects who say the signs do not follow. Inquire of any Christian sect if the signs follow them. As oft as they say they do not, so often be assured, on the oath of Jesus Christ, that they do not believe the gospel.
4. But the signs do not go before unbelievers. They are not given to beget faith in their minds, but to benefit the faithful.
[1 John iii, 8.
and with all thy might, and with all thy strength.
1. EXCEPT a man be born of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.1
16 words,
59 letters.
1. The birth of the spirit is fully illustrated by Jesus, in his discourse with Nicodemus. Assuming that a ruler of the Jews could not be ignorant what a birth of water was, he seizes upon a familiar illustration of the other, to which the dry hot climate of that country gave peculiar force.
2. The severity of climate in that country is not in its wintry frosts, but its summer heats; so that the coming of the blessed is compared to the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. (Isa. xxxii, 2.)
3. Passing over the parched plains, under a cloudless sky, with the sun’s rays pouring down like the blast of a furnace, when the traveller is ready to perish, suddenly he hears a sound of wind. Immediately it sweeps past. The cooling breeze comes upon him. His lungs are inflated, and his strength renewed. He feels himself another man. So is every one that is born of the spirit. (John iii, 8.)
4. A more splendid exhibition of this power occurred at Jerusalem, at the first Pentecost after the ascension, when the outpouring of the spirit was so abundant that those present spoke in tongues, and every one understood in his own language. (Acts ii, 1-11.)
[1 John iii, 5.
[Page 143]
2. Whosoever shall be baptized for the remission of sins, upon him shall the Apostles, High Priests, or Elders, lay their hands, and confirm him in the Kingdom, and give unto him, by their hands, a gift of the Holy Spirit, according as the spirit will.1
45 words,
195 letters.
It cannot be expected that every one who receives the laying on of hands, will receive with it a powerful and overwhelming inspiration. But he will receive a spirit of truth sufficient, if cherished, to guide him into all truth, and make him wise in the things of God’s Kingdom. Such should avoid looking for marvels, and be content with substantial wisdom and enduring knowledge.
3. And the spirit thus given shall inspire him with faith, intelligence, and understanding; and if he cherish it, then shall it guide and establish him in all righteousness.2
28 words,
138 letters.
1. It is a mistake to suppose any one will possess all the spiritual gifts, who has the laying on of hands, or that he will have any particular one he may choose. The spirit divideth gifts severally, as he will. (1st Cor. xii, 11.)
2. Paul enumerates the gifts of the spirit, as wisdom, knowledge, faith, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and the interpretation. (1st Cor. xii, 8-10.) Of these every servant of God, obedient in faith, repentance, and baptism, will, by the laying on of hands, receive his portion, sufficient to guide him to life, if he will follow its inspiration.
4. For when they lay their hands upon
[1 Acts viii, 17. xix, 6. 1st Cor. xii, 7-11. [2 John xvi, 13.
[Page 144]
him, the spirit, like an invigorating breeze, shall come upon him and cover him; and it shall inspire him with a new power, according to the gifts of the spirit; and as it passeth off and leaveth him, his gift shall continue, and he shall walk in newness of life.1
57 words,
233 letters.
Total—4 sec., 146 words, 625 letters.
1. When Jesus sent his Apostles to preach to the nations of the earth, he commanded them, “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature: he that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; (with impunity;) and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Matt, xvi, 15-18.)
2. This promise, as broad as the earth, and as long as time, just as much assures signs as salvation. The believers of the gospel which the Apostles were sent to preach, are as certain that signs will follow them, as that they will be saved.
3. It makes a simple issue of veracity between the Lord Jesus Christ, and all those sects who say the signs do not follow. Inquire of any Christian sect if the signs follow them. As oft as they say they do not, so often be assured, on the oath of Jesus Christ, that they do not believe the gospel.
4. But the signs do not go before unbelievers. They are not given to beget faith in their minds, but to benefit the faithful.
[1 John iii, 8.